Friday 9 September 2016

Rome Burning (Romanitas, #2) By Sophia McDougall

Rome Burning (Romanitas, #2)
Title : Rome Burning (Romanitas, #2)
Author :
ISBN : 0752860798
Format : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 471

Rome Burning is the second book of Sophia McDougall s projected trilogy, following her debut novel, Romanitas, set in a world where the Roman Empire has survived to contemporary times.Three years after the events of Romanitas, the Empire is on the brink of war with Nionia Japan , and plagued by a sequence of mysterious wildfires Marcus Novius, the young heir to the Roman Rome Burning is the second book of Sophia McDougall s projected trilogy, following her More...





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Rome Burning (Romanitas, #2)

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